Back to school
Just an few days ago, the semesters starts again. Meeting the most loved and hated people in the campus; from the professors to campus celebrity. Along with my friends, we feel that we want an extension of our semester break. After all we need some break; obviously, out of town vacation is out.
What do we do?
For me, it is simple. I just do what ever I want. If I want to read, watch some movies or television show, then I do it. Whatever I want.
Going back to the main topic,I just read some books. Reading some novels relaxes me; as long as I like what I'm reading. I manage to read 7 full length novels in less than 10 days. I don't know what made me to read books for the last two weeks but after reading I feel much better. So read and relax so we could face the world's challenge.
Please take note that I only read after making sure that all of my responsibility for that day is completed.